HOPE– The Early Intervention Centre was co-founded by Priya Sandeep and Sowmya Kuduvalli in the year 2007. Both being specialists in neuro-cognitive development and psychologists, they felt the need to facilitate learning through play.
HOPE has a highly qualified team of therapists and firmly believes that all the therapists at the centre should be aware of developments in the field and keep upgrading themselves professionally.

Anuradha Nautiyal
Neurocognitive Developmental Therapist, Remedial Therapist
Diploma in Special Education (Autsim) – RCI - B62606

Padma V.
Developmental Therapist
M.Sc Psychology,
PG Diploma in CBR

K. Elizabeth Korah
Developmental Therapist
M.Sc Psychology

Abhiram R.
Developmental Therapist
M.Sc Clinical Psychology, Cert. Inclusive Education at Drishti
Pragya Saha
Trainee Therapist
M.Sc Clinical Psychology, Cert. Art Based Psychotherapy, Cert. Queer Counselling

Sai Charan D.
Consultant Child
B. PT. Physiotherapy
IAP- LA58166
Certified in Vestibular
Visual Matters

Tuhina Sen
Trainee Therapist
M.A Psychology, Cert. Intensive Play Therapy, Cert. Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

Trainee Therapist
Trainee Therapist
Chrysanne Dias
Trainee Therapist